Brave Saint Saturn – Star


Emotiva canción del álbum The Light of Things Hoped For de 2003 en Tooth and Nail.
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I write clever words on paper,
I sometimes think I don’t believe at all.
I’ve never felt so fake,
So false, I’m such a lie,
I couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
He was twenty-five like I was,
But he was deaf and slowly going blind.
He made my faith seem worthless,
The things I hoped were pointless.
And he fought to stay,
But always dreamed that he could leave this place.

the angles wings,
Will cover you tonight,
Press your head,
Against the breast of Christ.

It made me feel so empty,
Collapsing on some dirty bathroom floor.
And isn’t it just like me,
To mourn his passing breath,
When he will never suffer any more.
Beautiful his pictures,
Fading black and silver.
And I sing of faith,
But his was true, and fierce, and I will miss him.

Escrito por Josafat

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